The Ninja, like sailors, used the stars to navigate at night but they also discovered 2 other ways of determining direction.
One is through the use of a tree stump. If the Ninja came across the stump of a tree, he simply looked at the growth rings
to tell which direction was North. The rings become narrower and closer together as they approach North and wider and further
apart as they approach South.
Another, more accurate way, of determining direction was by the use of the sun and 3 sticks. This method accurately determines
True North. The Ninja found a fairly clear area that wasn't overgrow with trees or bushes, etc. then he found a stick that
was about a foot long and 2 twigs whose length didn't matter. The Ninja drove the foot long stick into the ground and observed
the shadow cast by it and then placed one of the twigs on the ground, at the end of the shadow. He then waited about 15 minutes
for the shadow to move and placed the other twig at the end of the shadow's new location. The Ninja then placed his right
foot on the first twig and his second foot on the second twig and the Ninja was now facing True North.
Even the Ninja had to rest from time to time and one of the best places to hide was in the tops of the trees. Since Ninja
wore an exceptionally long sash, he was able to climb to the thick, upper branches of a tree and then tie his sash from limb
to limb in a "spider web" type pattern, creating a serviceable hammock to rest in and to watch for approaching enemies.
Since the Ninja had to survive in nature, they became trained naturalists capable of distinguishing edible, medicinal
and poisonous plants, trapping, preparing and cooking animals, building shelter, finding water, and making fire.
A few methods of finding water were by studying the insects in an area. For example, if there was a high concentration
of ants or crickets, he knew there was water nearby. Another way of finding water was by recognizing the kinds of plants that
live near water. If the Ninja found any of those plants, he knew water was near.
Kuji-in - Magic
Kuji-in is the spiritual and mental strength the ninja possessed in the form of hand signs. These hand signs were believed
to be able to channel energy. The hand signs were taken from the practices of the early Buddhists.
Kuji-In Ninja Magic The Kuji-in was used to build confidence and strength in the ninja. It was also believed to enhance
the senses of danger and foresee death for the ninja.
In Kuji-in the thumb represents the source of power (Ku), and the fingers represent the four elemental manifestations.
They are Chi (earth - solids), Sui (water - liquids), Ka (fire - combustion) and Fu (wind - gases).
There are 81 hand symbols, total, but there are 9 primary ones: Rin, Hei, Toh, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, and Zen. Each
symbol invokes different strengths and abilities in a trained ninja. Rin brings strength to the mind and body; Hei generates
psychic power in order to mask one's presence; Toh enables the ninja to reach a balance between the solid and liquid states
of the body, which leads to a greater harmony with the universe; Sha is used to heal oneself or another; Kai gives complete
control over the body's functions, enabling one to slow the heart rate, endure extreme heat and cold, etc. Jin increases the
mind's telepathic powers, giving a highly trained Ninja the ability to read the character of another; Retsu gives telekinetic
powers, enabling a ninja to stun an opponent with a shout or touch. Zai extends the harmony gained by merging with the universe.
Zen brings enlightenment and understanding. These symbols take an entire lifetime to truly master.
Ninja Poisons
The ninja were very knowledgeable about poisons. Poisoning a victim was as effective as stabbing them, but with very little
mess or chance of failure. Once the poison was ingested by the victim it was already to late. The poisons were mostly organic
based, but some were taken from animals.
One method was to take the fungi poison out of the blowfish or puffer fish. This poison is very strong and can kill in
small doses. Another animal based poison was the bufo marinus. The bufo marinus is a large toad with an extremely toxic poison
behind its eyes. This poison was often used on darts, arrows and spear tips.
Spiders and scorpions were also used. Not always just the poison extracted from them, but sometimes it was just as easy
to slip a couple of scorpions in the bed of the victim.
One of the organic poisons used was made from common fruit. Cyanide was extracted from a variety of sources, such as apple
seeds, plum seeds, cherries seeds and many more. It was readily available to the ninja and was used often.
Tomato and rhubarb leaves also held a poison. Eating the leaves cause cardiac problems, ultimately resulting in cardiac
The amanita phalloides is a deadly mushroom. The poison in the mushroom was 10 times more powerful than that of cyanide.
Eating the mushroom was certain death, and it was easy to slip a piece of the mushroom in almost any meal.
The poison could be used in various ways, depending on the situation. For example, if the ninja could slip it into the
victims food while its being prepared. Without knowing what kind of danger he was in, the victim would eat the food infested
with the poison. Not all the poisons used by the ninja were fatal, some of them were used to merely paralyze or cause blindness.
It was not always necessary to kill.
Another thing the ninja did was dip their weapons, such as the shuriken or their sword, in the poison. This was so when
it punctured the skin of their target, the fast acting poison would take its course, causing much more devastating than the
blade itself.